Thursday, 1 November 2012

Halloween aftermath...

Well I hope you all had a fabulous and fun Halloween! I know my kids did! I just wanted to share a few pics of my little goblins!

This was yesterday morning after I did up Danielle's hair. They don't actually get all dressed up until lunchtime but because I had to work a day shift yesterday, they only time I had to help with the hair was before school! But I think Danielle was okay with getting all the extra attention. :D

And this is the finished get-up! I was pretty impressed with how it all turned out. Danielle and a bunch of friends come to the house for lunch and managed to get her all done up WITHOUT turning the house into a disaster zone! That's an achievement all on it's own! Lol!

Sam is so obsessed with Star Wars at the moment and so this is my little Trooper guarding his loot from his Momma (who has a serious sweet tooth! LOL)

So I gotta run now. The kids are at school and I have some raiding to do! But lets keep that between you and me! :D

1 comment:

  1. Wow! They both look so fantastic!!! I still can't get over Danielle's hair...So awesome!!!


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